Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Rich and Lily - Essay Topic Ideas

Rich and Lily - Essay Topic IdeasRichard The Second is a popular story from English teacher Bob Mackey's syllabus. It begins by introducing the main character Richard to the class, asking his classmates to 'enlighten'be enlightened'. He then introduces two other characters: Ralph the Mortician and Lily the Disney Princess. The rest of the story takes place during the two-week summer holiday.You need to choose good essay topics that will encourage your students to consider their options carefully and use a little imagination. Rich and Lily are based on real people, who happen to be very popular with English teachers and students. While it is easy to find numerous examples of the two on the Internet, the stories could be different. Some of their stories are similar, but each has a unique storyline. Other times they might even be very different.This story brings in life lessons about taking chances, improving one's self-esteem, the importance of working towards a goal and being a contri buting member of society. It also helps students learn about being able to make mistakes and not to try to hold themselves back. Throughout the book the characters discuss what kind of relationship they might have if they were not so limited by geography, age, and language barriers.The story presents themes such as teamwork, independence, motivation, growing older and the importance of looking after yourself, among others. It teaches students to accept life's changes and to face them with confidence and determination. The stories of this book can be used in class to inspire a discussion about achievement and pride, life and death, art and responsibility, love and life, trust and morals, and many more.Richard the Second was written by writer Anne Geddes. Her teacher friends asked her to write a sequel to her award-winning Children's Picture Book, with some help from her middle school English students. The resulting novel sold over six million copies worldwide.In the story, Ralph, a y oung librarian, joins the crew as they aim to raise funds to fly to South America. He, the professor, was asked to visit South America with them to help him determine whether the case against the evil Alcyon was weak or strong. Along the way they meet the poor and the rich, meet an orphan, Lily the Disney Princess, who changes the entire course of their trip.Rich and Lily are good essay topics because they bring topics such as education, education reform, and money management into the classroom. You can introduce them as controversial topics that seem like political correct phrases, but do not necessarily have to be. Just being an excellent author and successful person does not mean that you should avoid challenging ideas.Richard the Second is an excellent book to introduce students to basic concepts of life and the world. It also provides wonderful vocabulary words to enhance the reading comprehension skills. Students can benefit from engaging discussions about religion, family val ues, education, social issues, and many more subjects.

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